Microbes and metabolic enzymes can rapidly decay fruits and vegetables. Ozone is the best protection available. Storage areas treated with airborne ozone will reduce microbial loads and eliminate fungal spores. Refrigerated areas are even better protected.
Ethylene cross-contamination between target and producing sources is another concern. Ozone will stop the production of ethylene and thus help maintain the look, feel, consistency and flavour of fruits and vegetables - extending the produce's shelf-life.
Processing of fruits and vegetables means multiple contact surfaces, transmission of earth and other bacterial and mould-laden elements, washing with potentially dubious water sources, handling and such. Each further sources of contamination can impact on the quality of the produce. Ozone, particularly when injected in liquid form in water will provide a clean working environment (for regular maintenance) and disinfected water sources for proper cleaning, disinfecting and handling of the goods.
In addition, ozone replaces chlorine more effectively, while leaving no residue nor producing any cancer-generating trihalomethanes. The lower chemical use implies lesser post-operational water treatment requirements and a more friendlier approach to the environment.
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